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Justice James G. Wilcoxen

James G. Wilcoxen, born Muskogee, Oklahoma, November 27, 1953; attended Shattuck Military School in Faribault, MN 1969-1971; Graduated from Muskogee High School 1972.  Attended Oklahoma University and Arizona University.  Graduated Oklahoma University in 1976.  Attended law school 1976-1979 and graduated from Oklahoma City University in 1979.  Admitted to bar, 1979, Oklahoma; also admitted to practice before U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit; U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Oklahoma, Western District of Oklahoma, Northern District of Oklahoma, Southern District of California, and the Oklahoma Supreme Court; University of Oklahoma (B.A., 1976); legal education, Oklahoma City University (J.D., 1979).  Intern, Attorney General’s Office, State of Oklahoma, 1978-79. Cherokee Nation General Counsel 1985-1996; Member: Muskogee, Cherokee Nation, Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Citizen Potowatomi Nation, Chickasaw Nation, Oklahoma and American Bar Associations; Oklahoma Trial Lawyers Association; Justice of the Cherokee Nation Supreme Court.  Practice specializes in American Indian Law; civil and criminal litigation.  Representative clients include Tribal First and Commercial Insurance Services - re: defense of civil claims against various Native American Tribes. Consultation with tribes - re: land claims and other issues.